Mangahao Flats hut is managed by the Manawatu Tramping and Ski Club. The hut has sleeping capacity for 16 persons. The hut is Standard hut and hut fees are required for overnight stays. This is the only hut in the Mangahao valley, two others (Harris Creek and Avalanche Flats were removed, with Mangahao being located more centrally in the valley.
This hut was funded by a combination of the Tararua Aorangi Remutaka Huts Committee using income from DOC hut fees collected in the Wellington Conservancy and the MT&SC.

Mangahao Flats hut

In March 2021 members of the MT&SC completed a full exterior and interior repaint of the hut. (photo Jean Garman)

Avalanche Flats hut
The Harris Creek hut was located in the lower valley, and was removed after the completion of Mangahao Flats hut.

Photo above – Original camp at Avalanche Flats. Built by Internal Affairs dept deer cullers. Long time cullers Bert Barra on the right. And culler and possum researcher, Les Pracy second from left.