Kime hut 3 was built in 2014, and replaced the previous Kime hut as a result of deterioration that occurred to the hut due to the weather conditions prevalent in the area. The hut has sleeping capacity for 20 persons. The Tararua tramping Club (TTC) manage this hut and have a long history of huts in the area. TTC is the longest established tramping club in Wellington . read more here…
Kime hut is located on the Southern Crossing route. Kime is also at one end of the Southern Main range route. To read more about the Southern Crossing, click the link to the TTC description of the Southern Crossing

Kime 3. Built in 2014,

The second of 3 Kime Huts in the immediate vicinity. Kime Hut No. 2 was built in Feb., 1978 & removed in 2013 & replaced with the current hut. It was prefabricated at the Petone Technical Institute & flown to the site in sections. Built for $14,000, it was officially open in front of 100 people on 16 April, 1978. (Photo

Kime Memorial Hut, built 1930 by Joe Gibbs for the TTC as a memorial to Esmond James Kime

Vosseler hut 1954

The Hector Dog Box. A ‘dogbox’ type shelter built by the Tararua Tramping Club in Sept., 1922 following the deaths of E. J. Kime & H. Freeman on the Southern Crossing. It was the first alpine “hut” in the range & was located between Field Peak & Mount Hector (location shown approximate). The hut was built for trampiners using the Hector track. The shelter was destroyed in a storm in 1929. It was replaced in 1930 by Kime Hut (No. 1), built by Joe Gibbs, 17-year old Ralph Bawden, Bill Lyons & Wally Neill. Read more about the Hector track here..
Who was EJ Kime
KIME HUT are two words synonymous with shelter on the open Tararua tops. But beyond the name lies a human story; Click the link below to read more about EJ Kime on the TTC website.